Our experienced attorneys litigate malpractice, negligence and ethics violations cases against professionals who fail to adhere to standards of conduct. You are entitled to receive compensation when a professional causes you harm through their wrongdoing.
Medical Malpractice
We entrust our health to doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and other care providers. When they make a mistake – especially when that mistake causes injury or death – medical professionals can be held accountable for the harm inflicted on the patient. Medical malpractice also extends to neglect and abuse at nursing homes.
Professional Negligence
Malpractice is not limited to health care providers. Other professionals can be held liable when their negligence causes financial damage. Such professionals include:
Accountants and financial advisors
Architects, engineers and contractors
Real estate agents and brokers
If you believe that a professional has departed from established practices and has harmed you physically or financially, call our offices today for a free consultation regarding your rights.